For A Still Life, David Hancock discusses how anachronistic practices are shaping digital identities. This work merges virtual environments with still life. Presenting Asian Ball-jointed dolls as a conduit between the virtual and its own status as a still life object. Hancock places these objects within an environment taken from Second Life. As a platform, Second Life had the potential to become an online utopia of individual world builders, but these towns and cities are now sparsely populated ghost-towns. Participation in these niche subcultures is via avatars, in which complex worlds are created in detail and inhabited by proxy.

Watercolour & Gouache on Paper
56 x 76cm
£2000 (framed)
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Watercolour & Gouache on Paper
56 x 76cm
£2000 (framed)
Click to purchase this work via Paypal

The Castaway
Watercolour on Paper
76 x 56cm
£2000 (framed)
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The Shore
Watercolour on Paper
76 x 56cm
£2000 (framed)
Click to purchase this work via Paypal
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