London Art Fair 2015
We Shape Our Buildings; Thereafter They Shape Us Andrea Cotton - Susannah Douglas - David Hancock - Phill Hopkins - Paraic Leahy - Sharon Leahy Clark - Simon Leahy Clark - Hayley Lock - Richard Meaghan - James Moore - Conor Rogers - Jenny Steele - Barbara Walker - Ally Wallace - Eleanor Watson - Graham Watson - Lisa Wilkens - Dawn Woolley - Simon Woolham - Rachel Wrigley We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us considers how buildings and their environments, impact on the relationship and experiences we have with them and also how these environment effect our own behaviour. Taking Churchill’s famous quote as the exhibition title and as a point of reference, we unravel the influence this has had on the selected artists and how this has informed their work. We experience and sense the built environment both physically and psychologically, and the impact that this can have on an artists work is varied and complex. This influence can materialise as a physical support, or an atmosphere, an indelible or trace like quality. The influence of our built environment can be felt in many profound ways. From Jenny Steele, Ally Wallace and Simon Woolham’s hints of architectural features, revealing the hidden and complex political and poetic narratives of spaces around and within; to Phill Hopkins’s, Richard Meaghan’s and Hayley Lock’s relationship with surface and vision, between the realms of physical and imagined environments.