Remnant is an exhibition of recent paintings by Twinkle Troughton, in which she explores a fascination with human traces left upon the landscape. Twinkle’s small-scale paintings seek to create a moment of pause, to notice and capture; a bomb crater which is now a pond, a pathway created by years of footsteps, a mysterious house, an old gate to nowhere. The stories the remnants in the landscape tell, whether real or imagined, are what drive Twinkle’ intrigue. The starting point for her paintings is always with an image of somewhere that exists, and the end point is with a painting that lies between reality and myth. Delicate and jewel like, created with oil on paper, the oil seeps, stains and marks, so it possesses in its physicality and colour an otherworldly quality. The paint and the mediums Twinkle uses such as white spirit (a manmade element) and linseed oil (a natural medium) interacts and fuses, settling and becoming one.